Do you want to eat the fruit with the skin? Don’t be overwhelmed by the "rights and wrongs" of the peel
- Time of issue:2021-06-23 13:45
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Do you want to eat the fruit with the skin? Don’t be overwhelmed by the "rights and wrongs" of the peel
(Summary description)Some people say that there are too many pesticide residues when eating fruits with their skins. Others say that you must eat fruits with their skins to prevent cancer. The color of the peel of some fruits is "bright and beautiful". If you eat it with the peel, you are afraid of the shiny "wax". You are confused about the right and wrong of the peel.
- Time of issue:2021-06-23 13:45
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Do you want to eat fruit with the skin? a question!
Some people say that there are too many pesticide residues when eating fruits with skins. Others say that you must eat fruits with skins to prevent cancer.
The color of some fruit peels is "bright and beautiful", and I am afraid of eating the shiny "wax" when I eat them with the peel. I am confused about the right and wrong of the peel.
How to eat fruits that can be eaten with their skins
Every part of natural food has a unique nutritional and physiological function, and fruit peel is no exception. Among most peelable fruits, the skin and subcutaneous parts are often the parts with the highest antioxidant content in the fruit. This is true whether it is apples, plums or grapes. This is because the most abundant parts of antioxidants are usually the parts of the fruit that are exposed to sunlight; and the natural reddening of the color also means an increase in antioxidants. At the same time, the outer layer usually contains higher vitamins and minerals, which is also beneficial to the human body.
The fruit skin layer is also rich in fruity ingredients. For some soft-skinned fruits such as apples, pears, tomatoes, peaches, apricots, etc., the skins are more flavorful and the taste is good.
The surface of the fresh peel of many fruits such as apples is born with a thin layer of fruit wax, which is secreted by the fruit itself, which can maintain the moisture in the fruit and resist the invasion of external microorganisms.
, so you can eat it with confidence!
Zhangpu County Yicai Fruits and Vegetables Co., Ltd.

Loujiao Village, Suian Town, Zhangpu County, Zhangzhou City, Fujian Province
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